Frequently Asked Questions
Is Pilates only Focused on the core?
Everything you do in Pilates is supported from the core (transverse abdominals, pelvic floor, spinal muscles and diaphragm make up the core). Pilates also focuses on breath, balance, flexibility, coordination, control, stamina, toning, posture and overall health.
What’s the difference between working out on the equipment and the Pilates Mat classes?
Mat classes really focus on core work and require you to support your body and are very challenging. Pilates equipment gives you a frame to work within that is often more helpful than mat but can be more challenging when springs are added or taken away. Working on the equipment can also target and tone specific areas of your body very efficiently.
What is Pilates?
Developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920’s, Pilates is a method of physical conditioning which strengthens the mind as well as the body. Pilates focuses on developing the core muscles or “powerhouse” – the abdominals, lower back and spinal muscles, and buttocks. The goal is a more flexible, aligned, and ultimately balanced body. Pilates exercises increase the mind’s awareness of the body, resulting in a more stimulating physical and mental workout
What is a pilates reformer?
A Pilates reformer is a workout machine that is used for very targeted Pilates exercises. Reformers are extremely beneficial to the Pilates practice because they allow an individual to focus on building core strength, aligning the spine and increasing flexibility, all at the same time.
What are the main health benefits of pilates reformer?
There are countless benefits associated with using the reformer, but here are just a few:
· Helps relieve back pain
· Improves posture
· Encourages more graceful movement
· Builds muscle endurance
· Improves breathing
· Provides excellent fat-burning exercise
· Strengthens core muscles
· Improves overall flexibility
Will pilates help me lose weight?
Many people do Pilates to tone their muscles, improve their posture and help them lose weight. Creating lean muscle mass, as Pilates does, is one of the best ways to increase your calorie burning potential.
Can I do pilates every day?
You can safely do Pilates every day. To get optimal benefit from most forms of exercise it is best to do at least 2-3 times a week. If you can find a few minutes during the day to improve your posture or focus on your breathing you will notice improvement each day.
What do I wear to do pilates?
What to wear for doing Pilates exercise is very much up to the individual. Comfortable exercise clothes that let you have full range of motion are fine. You will want to be sure that the instructor can see your body well enough to make corrections to your posture. Be sure to wear clothes that provide appropriate coverage. You won’t be wearing shoes but some socks are essential. Please tie long hair back.
What should I eat before doing pilates?
Many people wonder what to eat when they are going to do Pilates exercise. Because there is so much emphasis in Pilates on using your abdominal muscles, you will want to have a fairly empty stomach.
How is pilates different from other forms of exercise?
Pilates is different from most exercises out there because it's non-impact and safe, and it really works on using the body as a whole. You're either lying on your back, on your side or kneeling on the floor where it's safe. When you move the body, you're trying to move it from the powerhouse, using your abdominal wall to protect your back. You're also working the body very evenly and symmetrically, making sure one side is not working harder than the other.
What would you say is the key difference between yoga and pilates?
There's definitely a mind-body connection and a very similar fluidity in both. But one difference is that there's a whole line of equipment in Pilates that doesn't exist in yoga, so it provides a different angle: You're doing exercises with the assistance and resistance of springs and pulleys. The springs may assist you or they may make an exercise more difficult, depending on the exercise.
How do i know if pilates will benefit me?
I can't say that it's great for everyone in every scenario, but in my experience, I've only had clients feel better after doing it. Injuries begin to cause less discomfort or go away completely. Pilates can help you lose weight, get relief from back pain, tone your trouble spots, or recover from injury. It's also being used more and more as therapy to help people with certain serious illnesses such as cancer.
Is pilates a cardiovascular workout?
Initially the workout is slow moving because everything is being explained to you. Eventually, once you learn the workout and you're going through the motions, it becomes aerobic. You can get a cardiovascular workout when you're on the equipment and working on an advanced level because it's more physical. And some classes and Pilates DVDs alternate classic Pilates moves with sequences of heart-rate boosting exercises for a double-duty effect. You have to work towards it, but Pilates can be cardiovascular.
Many claim that pilates reshapes the body. How does it do this?
Pilates has completely transformed my body and the bodies of most of my clients. I think it comes from using the powerhouse and really focusing on and strengthening the abdominal wall, teaching it to lay flat and be strong. If the stomach is sticking out, you're going to train it to stick out. In Pilates you're always thinking of this inward pull as if the navel is going in towards the spine and then lifting up slightly, pulling all of your abdominal wall very flat.
You also make long, fluid, larger motions that lengthen and stretch the muscles.
If you're consistent with it and make a commitment to yourself, you can see a change in your body.
What are the six "principles" of pilates?
Concentration. This is the most important principle in Pilates. You must be very mentally present as you do the exercises, aware of every aspect of your body's movement, alignment, sensations, muscle flexes…
Control. Every movement is to be done with control, so you aren't just throwing your body around.
Centering, so that you are evenly using your body. Think of a plumb line down the middle of the body working both sides evenly.
Fluidity. A smooth transition from one exercise to the next important because once you've learned the routine, it should look something like a dance, where every movement flows into the next.
Precision. You try to make each movement as precise as possible; alignment, placement of your limbs, position of each part of your body is paramount and a central aspect of how and why Joseph Pilates designed this system of exercise.
Breath. How you breathe is very important in Pilates exercises. You don't want to hold your breath at all. Deep, steady breaths will help you maintain concentration and precision, too.
Will my body be sore after a pilates class?
Feeling sore is a very individual thing. Some people don't feel sore. Pilates is what you put into it. If you're really conscious and making an effort to make every movement count, you'll most likely feel something the following day. It also has to do with your athleticism. If you've been sedentary, you're probably going to feel it more than someone who's very active. It's all relative.
How can beginners get the most benefit from pilates?
Be consistent, especially in the beginning. Don't just try it once. Give it a few shots and do it in succession. Make it your reward, your break from a hectic day. Also, listen to your body and really concentrate — it makes for a better workout.
Someone once told me that you need to "arrive" for Pilates, meaning you have to be there mentally as well as physically. To get the most out of Pilates, you have to be very present. Your body and mind will thank you.